Tag Archives: happy

Why can’t it always be like this?

I am feeling so good at the moment. I have some truly amazing, amazing people in my life who support me and love me unconditionally, and I am able to believe them when they say this, and accept their love for me. I am in good spirits, I am excited about my new house, and […]

Feeling better

Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t post when I’m feeling good, but then, this blog is about living with BPD – and that includes the highs as well as the lows, to give a fair picture of what my life is like. Yesterday and today I have been feeling a lot better. In fact, a […]

Too much time on my hands?

Probably. I love nothing more than dressing my dog up, and he is so obliging. I don’t mean I get him to wear a cutesy little dress and take him shopping, I mean, well, you’ll see 😉 Anyway, he loves it too, and gets to excited because he is so keen to please me. Introducing… […]

Feeling pretty good

I thought I would post while I’m ‘up’ because I always post when I’m down too, and that isn’t a fair representation to those of you reading and following. After my really bad patch last week, I went on a serious high for about a day, and then I seem to have plateau’d (is that […]


All these pictures are courtesy of http://inspirational-images.tumblr.com; I just wanted to share them with you. What an amazing blog! Please go check it out!

Have I ever been happy?

Jen asked me this question a few nights ago, and I think , expected a simple answer, but I think this question actually needs a hell of a lot more thought than a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. First of all, I need to decide actually what ‘happy’ is. Is it a state of mind, […]

A little video – on being happy

A little home made video on being happy 🙂

30 Day Challenge – Day twenty-four

Day 24: Something you’ve learned. My journey has only just begun, but I have already learnt many things. These beautiful pictures (sourced on google images) explain; Take Care. x  

Every cat should have a dog <3

I was e-mailed these pictures and they really made me smile, so if you are having a bad day, I hope this makes you smile too 🙂 Take care. x